Easter in Italy
How Italians celebrate one of the most important holidays in the country
An Italian proverb says: "Christmas is with your own, Easter is with whomever you want" ("Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi"). Indeed, every Italian plans in advance how he will spend these two most important holidays - Easter and Christmas. With Christmas everything is more or less clear - it is celebrated in the family. Easter has more options.
So how does Italy celebrate Easter?
Easter is one of Italy's favourite holidays. Shop shelves are bursting with giant chocolate eggs, Easter cake and other treats for the upcoming festivities. Whether you're religious or not, Easter is a fantastic time to be in Italy or an Italian state of mind.

The weather is warm and there's plenty of fascinating traditions to witness. Think running monks, gigantic statues, colorful processions and more than one larger-than-life reenactment. Easter is also a rare chance for tourists to mix with the locals as they descend on Italy's piazzas and streets to celebrate this religious holiday as a community.
Ksenia Forte
Founder of Italia Per Famiglie
Easter lunch
Traditionally, those Italians who work or study in other cities or abroad try to reunite with their family at Easter, even if only for a few days. Easter Day (Sunday) and the following Monday ("Pasquetta" or "Lunedì dell'Angelo") are non-working days. In 2022, Easter and Pasquetta are celebrated on April 17 and 18.

On Sunday, Italians make Easter lunch. Preferably at home, not in a restaurant (although many restaurants offer excellent holiday menus). Adults give children chocolate eggs with surprises inside. The custom of painting boiled eggs in the past was common in Italy, but now many families and groups of friends prefer to replace them with chocolate.

A sweet cupcake in the shape of a pigeon - Columba Pasquale - is always present on the festive table. The traditional recipe for this cake is with almonds and icing.
Monday is a picnic day. As a rule, Italians go out of town in the company of friends. The weather is nice and warm these days. Such a vacation becomes an excellent opportunity to sunbathe a little and bask in the rays of the not yet hot sun. Many arrange a picnic in a nearby park.

The picnic is organized according to Easter traditions. For example, when buying paper dishes and napkins, Italians prefer the typical colors of the Easter period: green, yellow, blue.
Each region of Italy has its own Easter traditions. But everyone starts preparing for this holiday after the Christmas. It is better to book a house or a hotel in advance. Italia Per Famiglie will help in this: in our catalog for rent the most beautiful villas in the most picturesque places of Italy.
Ksenia Forte
Founder of Italia Per Famiglie
Easter traditions of Tuscany
Easter is now coming and here in Tuscany and especially in the Florentine area, there are some special traditions that perhaps not everyone knows about.

An Easter tradition of the city of Florence is Scoppio del Carro or the Explosion of the float, which takes place on Easter Sunday morning.

This tradition dates back about 350 years ago. The decorated float, called "Brindellone", is pulled by a pair of oxen adorned by garlands around the streets of Florence, up to the Piazza del Duomo in the space between the baptistery and the cathedral.

The ceremony begins at 10 am: a priest rubs three flints whose sparks light the Easter candle; this candle is used to light the coals that are located in a container on the float. The cart goes in a parade with drummers and flag bearers, all in historical clothing.

The Chariot is full of fireworks and when it arrives in front of the Cathedral the parade stops and waits for the start of the holy Mass.
Around 11 am from the altar of the Cathedral, the Archbishop lights a rocket shaped like a dove (Colombina) with the sacred fire. This Colombina rocket symbolises the Holy Ghost, that flies out of the church along a wire that goes to hit the Chariot in the square, creating spectacular fireworks!

If the ritual proceeds regularly and all the fireworks explode, the harvest will be rich and prosperous and all citizens and the whole city will have good luck.

A culinary tradition of Easter in Tuscany is rosemary bread (Pan di Ramerino). A small soft and sweet bread made with bread dough, milk, eggs, raisins and rosemary. In the past, you could find this soft bun in the bakeries of the province of Florence in the period before Easter and especially on Holy Thursday, already blessed by local priests. Today you can always find Pan di Ramerino in the Tuscan bakeries and it is one of the simplest but at the same time most delicious dishes of Tuscan tradition.
Celebrate Easter in Tuscany in good company!

In April, Italia Per Famiglie will make an exclusive family tour in the most picturesque region of Italy. Amazing landscapes with slender cypress trees, luxurious mansions, wine estates and delicious local cuisine make this Italian region one of the most attractive.

Tuscany for kids is a large number of agricultural farms with animals. It is an opportunity to take long walks through fields and meadows, it is playing hide and seek in the vineyards and acquaintance with local craftsmen.
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